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Vacation Bible School

One week each summer we join with other area congregations for a week of learning and fun. Children ages 4 through grade 6 are welcome to attend. Those who have completed grade 6 can be guides for the other students. To participate, contact the church office—or just show up! 2024 dates TBD. 

Sunday School

Join us for Sunday School at 9:00 a.m. Children

preschool through 8th grade are welcome. 


Confirmation includes learning, service, and fellowship. Participants are required to attend Sunday School, complete 20 sermon notes, services projects, acolyting, and mentor experience. 

Worship Assistants

Each week members of the congregation contribute to our worship through ushering, reading scripture, serving communion, and attending to the altar area (communion set up & clean up). If you would like to serve in any of these ways, please contact the church office. 

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Women of the ELCA.jpg

All women of St. Paul's are members of W-ELCA and all are welcome at all events. General meetings are held in January, March, May, September and November on the 3rd Thursday at 10:00 a.m. in the church basement. Several special events are held each year. 


St. Paul's hosts regular bloodmobile days at the Community Center in Wilton. Contact the church office to learn about the next Saturday morning opportunity to give the gift of life.

Lutheran World Relief

Throughout the year the congregation collects items for school kits, health kits, and baby kits. The items are packaged together and sent around to the world to those who can use them. In November of each year we collect items for Operation Christmas Child. 


Our Talented quilters make a number of quilts that get distributed locally and through Lutheran World Relief. The Sunday School also participates by tying fleece blankets.

Wilton Food Pantry

The Wilton Food Pantry is the joint effort of area churches coordinated by St. Paul's. It is supported by local businesses, organizations and individuals. Located in the Wilton Community Center, services are available to residents of the Norwalk, Ontario, Wilton, and Kendall areas. The Food Pantry is open Tuesdays from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m.

St. Paul's



401 Mill Street

PO Box 129

Wilton, WI 54670

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©2025 St. Paul's Lutheran Church | Member La Crosse Area Synod

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